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Are you finding it difficult to get in contact with the right decision makers? Is it tough to get in front of and connect with the right

C-Level, VP-Level, or Director Level decision makers writing the check for your products and services? Is your sales team wasting time searching for contact information for the wrong people?

The Targeted Decision Maker Data that Surge Data has brought to market goes way beyond common knowledge by providing you with in-depth, accurate contact records for these key decision makers you are trying to target, connect with, and sell to. 


One of the most difficult tasks for a sales person is trying to identify these key people in an organization,the real decision makers that spend the money for new products and execute new projects. It can be more difficult than ever to get in front of those people with email or by phone without the right hard- to- find contact information for these targeted contacts.

If you market your products and services to these key leaders in an organization, then Surge Data is the perfect match. We have made connecting with this target market even easier, by creating specialized databases that allow you to identify the right target and deliver your message to the right people at an affordable price point. You will find Data by Surge to be a better fit for your project, and as an industry leader in the decision maker data field we have the ability to provide you with competitive pricing for data that might otherwise be beyond your current marketing budget.

At Surge Data our primary focus is to provide you with accurate and up-to-date contact information of the industry's top key decision makers, including C-Level, VP-Level, and Director Level titles of contacts at companies ranging from small to medium size businesses to the largest companies in the world. While most providers focus on providing enormous quantities, our focus remains on quality, accuracy and a more nurtured group of meaningful contacts.

Surge Data has applied tested and proven systems that enable us to provide one of the highest levels of accuracy guarantees in the data industry. Buy with confidence and a strong guarantee on all of our available Targeted Decision Maker Databases.

Surge Data also brings tremendous ongoing value in our unlimited use licensing model. No monthly subscription fees and no more contracts with restriction of use and ongoing charges for each marketing campaign and deployment. You own the data and it is yours for unlimited use.

If relationships matter and you are interested in developing a long lasting partnership that will create new opportunities, impact your bottom line, and energize your sales team contact Surge Data today and start growing your business with a Targeted Decision Maker Database.

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