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Higher Education

Do you need to connect with Targeted Decision Makers at Colleges and Universities?

This database puts you in front of the schools' top leaders. It covers over 4,000 schools and 100,000 of their key decision makers in charge of turning the wheels of the school at the highest level. These contacts are driving budget decisions for the schools in departments of Finance, Operations, Technology, Facilities, Public Relations, Alumni, Admissions, Athletics, Student Services, Human Resources, and many other departments.

Our targeted College and University Decision Maker Database will provide you with the names, direct phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses for all the key leaders that you need to connect with. Use this database to identify your targeted contacts and quickly and efficiently get your message in front of the school, its leaders, or pushed out to the students.

Whether you are looking for data and contacts to enhance your current in-house database, or launching a new higher ed initiative, our College and University Decision Maker Database will provide you with the top level contact information you need and establish a foundational piece for working this market.

If you provide products and services that can help these school leaders attract new students, save money, or stay ahead of the newest technology, and you want to be a part of these current projects and upcoming initiatives, contact Surge Data today and start growing your business with our Targeted College and University Leaders Database.

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